What IS SimtoolKitPro?
What in early 2019 started as a small project to get better at landing has rapidly snowballed into one of the most comprehensive flight simulation companions available.
With vast support for platforms and simulators and an unrivalled toolset, SimToolkitPro brings your flying experience into one place.
SimToolkitPro has a fantastic community discord that provides support to users around the clock almost immediately. Rapid updates ensure issues are addressed as fast as possible and keep you in the air.

Full Feature List
- Support for FSX, FSX:SE, Prepar3D v4, Prepar3D v5, X-Plane 11, and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and 2024
- Clients for Windows, Mac OS and Linux
- Flight planning and dispatching through SimBrief, with flight and route editing
- Global real world charts built in
- Flight Logbook with archiving of OFPs and route data
- Airport Database with live METAR
- Detailed Landing Reporting with advanced touchdown telemetry
- Local data storage (with free cloud backup)
- Streaming overlay that can be fully customised with templating and CSS
- Live Map with full FIR data support for VATSIM and IVAO ATC
- Display of network flights for VATSIM, IVAO, PilotEdge and STKP users
- Taxi overlay for any airport in the world covered by OSM data
- Custom schedule for saving flights for future dispatch
- Searchable real world routes database with airline search and filter
- Real world charts with significant global coverage
- Charts pullout tab for Navigraph Charts and ChartFox
- Support for ActiveSky and VATSIM weather sources
- Integrated data recorder will record any landing detected when connected to the sim
- Import your flight data from other services, or manual import
- Fleet manager with custom airframes and advanced SimBrief airframe design
- Checklists with import/export for sharing and an always on top popout for showing over the sim
- Wind calculator with automated lookup of metar for selected runway